pyinaturalist.models Package

Data models that represent iNaturalist API response objects. See Models section for usage details.


add_lazy_attrs(cls, fields)

A field transformer to do some post-processing on a model class while it's being created.


Field containing a pair of coordiantes


Field that converts date/time strings into datetime objects


Field that converts date/time strings into datetime objects, and defaults to the current time

field([doc, options, metadata])

A field with extra metadata for documentation and options

get_lazy_attrs(obj, **kwargs)

Get placeholder attributes for lazy-loaded model properties



Dict[str, LazyProperty]


Validator for an optional multiple-choice attribute


Load a JSON string, file path, or file-like object


Converter to change a string to uppercase, if applicable


Annotation([id, concatenated_attr_val, ...])

An annotation, meaning a controlled term value applied by a user to an observation.


Base class for data models


Base class for data model collections.

Comment([id, body, created_at, hidden, ...])

An observation comment, based on the schema of comments from GET /observations.

ConservationStatus([id, authority, ...])

The conservation status of a taxon in a given location, based on the schema of:

ControlledTerm([id, is_value, multivalued, ...])

A controlled term, based on the schema of GET /controlled_terms.

ControlledTermValue([id, blocking, label, ...])

A controlled term value, based on the schema of GET /controlled_terms.

EstablishmentMeans([id, ...])

The establishment means for a taxon in a given location


alias of pyinaturalist.models.identification.Identification

Identification([id, body, category, ...])

An observation identification, based on the schema of GET /identifications.

LazyProperty(converter[, name, doc, type])

A lazy-initialized/cached descriptor, similar to @functools.cached_property, but works for slotted classes by not relying on __dict__.

LifeList([id, data, count_without_taxon, ...])

A user's life list, based on the schema of GET /observations/taxonomy

LifeListTaxon([id, ancestor_ids, ...])

A single Taxon in a user's LifeList

ListedTaxon([id, establishment_means, ...])

A taxon with additional stats associated with a list (aka "original life list"), based on the schema of:

Message([id, user_id, thread_id, subject, ...])

A message from the user's inbox, based on the schema of GET /messages


alias of pyinaturalist.models.observation_field.ObservationField


alias of pyinaturalist.models.observation_field.ObservationFieldValue

Observation([created_at_details, ...])

An observation, based the schema of GET /observations

ObservationField([id, allowed_values, ...])

An observation field definition, based on the schema of GET /observation_fields.

ObservationFieldValue([id, datatype, ...])

An observation field value, based on the schema of Observation.ofvs from GET /observations.

Observations([id, data])

A collection of observations

Photo([id, attribution, license_code, ...])

An observation photo, based on the schema of photos from:

Place([id, admin_level, ancestor_place_ids, ...])

A curated or community-contributed place.

Project([id, banner_color, created_at, ...])

An iNaturalist project, based on the schema of GET /projects.

ProjectObservation([id, preferences, ...])

Metadata about an observation that has been added to a project

ProjectObservationField([id, ...])

An ObservationField with additional project-specific information

ProjectUser([id, activity_count, ...])

A User with additional project-specific information

SearchResult([id, score, type, matches, record])

A search result of any type, based on the schema of GET /search.

Taxon([id, ancestor_ids, complete_rank, ...])

An iNaturalist taxon, based on the schema of GET /taxa.

TaxonCount([id, ancestor_ids, ...])

A Taxon with an associated count, used in a TaxonCounts collection

TaxonCounts([id, data])

A collection of taxa with an associated counts.

TaxonSummary([id, wikipedia_summary, ...])

Information about an observation's taxon, within the context of the observation's location.

User([id, activity_count, created_at, icon, ...])

An iNaturalist user, based on the schema of GET /users/{id}

UserCount([id, activity_count, created_at, ...])

An iNaturalist user, with an associated count of filtered IDs or observations

UserCounts([id, data])

A collection of users with an associated counts

pyinaturalist.controllers Package

Controller classes for iNatClient



Base class for controllers.


Controller for Observation requests


Controller for Project requests


Controller for Taxon requests


Controller for User requests