

We use Sphinx, and the references page is automatically generated thanks to sphinx.ext.autodoc and sphinx_autodoc_typehints extensions. All functions / methods / classes should have a proper docstring.

To build the doc locally:

$ tox -e docs

To preview:

# MacOS:
$ open docs/_build/index.html
# Linux:
$ xdg-open docs/_build/index.html

Hosted documentation ( is automatically updated when code gets pushed to GitHub.


We use the pytest framework.

To run locally:

$ pytest

It is however always good to run tox frequently, to run the tests against multiple Python versions, as well as some style and type annotations checks:

$ tox

Travis-CI is run when code is pushed to GitHub.

Type annotations

All functions / methods should have parameters and return value type annotations. Those type annotations are checked by MyPy (tox -e mypy) and will appear in the documentation.

Releasing at PyPI

Release checklist:

  • Make sure the code is tested, annotated and documented.

  • Update version in HISTORY.rst, and pyinaturalist/

  • Create the distributions: python sdist bdist_wheel

  • Use twine to upload the package to PyPI: twine upload dist/*

  • Push a vX.Y.Z tag to GitHub: git tag vX.Y.Z && git push origin --tags