Source code for pyinaturalist.node_api

Code to access the (read-only, but fast) Node based public iNaturalist API
from logging import getLogger
from time import sleep
from typing import Dict, Any, List

import requests
from urllib.parse import urljoin

from pyinaturalist.constants import (
from pyinaturalist.exceptions import ObservationNotFound
from pyinaturalist.request_params import is_int, merge_two_dicts
from pyinaturalist.response_format import (
from pyinaturalist.api_requests import get

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def make_inaturalist_api_get_call( endpoint: str, params: Dict, user_agent: str = None, **kwargs ) -> requests.Response: """Make an API call to iNaturalist. Args: endpoint: The name of an endpoint not including the base URL e.g. 'observations' kwargs: Arguments for :py:func:`requests.request` """ response = get( urljoin(INAT_NODE_API_BASE_URL, endpoint), params=params, user_agent=user_agent, **kwargs ) return response
[docs]def get_observation(observation_id: int, user_agent: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get details about an observation. Args: observation_id: Observation ID user_agent: a user-agent string that will be passed to iNaturalist. Returns: A dict with details on the observation Raises: ObservationNotFound """ r = get_observations(params={"id": observation_id}, user_agent=user_agent) if r["results"]: return r["results"][0] raise ObservationNotFound()
[docs]def get_observations(params: Dict, user_agent: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Search observations. See:!/Observations/get_observations. Returns: The parsed JSON returned by iNaturalist (observations in r['results'], a list of dicts) """ r = make_inaturalist_api_get_call("observations", params=params, user_agent=user_agent) return r.json()
[docs]def get_all_observations(params: Dict, user_agent: str = None) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Like get_observations() but handles pagination so you get all the results in one shot. Some params will be overwritten: order_by, order, per_page, id_above (do NOT specify page when using this). Returns: A list of dicts (one entry per observation) """ # According to the doc: "The large size of the observations index prevents us from supporting the page parameter # when retrieving records from large result sets. If you need to retrieve large numbers of records, use the # per_page and id_above or id_below parameters instead. results = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] id_above = 0 while True: iteration_params = merge_two_dicts( params, {"order_by": "id", "order": "asc", "per_page": PER_PAGE_RESULTS, "id_above": id_above,}, ) page_obs = get_observations(params=iteration_params, user_agent=user_agent) results = results + page_obs["results"] if page_obs["total_results"] <= PER_PAGE_RESULTS: return results sleep(THROTTLING_DELAY) id_above = results[-1]["id"]
[docs]def get_geojson_observations(properties: List[str] = None, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get all observation results combined into a GeoJSON ``FeatureCollection``. By default this includes some basic observation properties as GeoJSON ``Feature`` properties. The ``properties`` argument can be used to override these defaults. Example: >>> get_geojson_observations(observation_id=16227955, properties=["photo_url"]) {"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{ "type": "Feature", "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.360086, 50.646894]}, "properties": { "photo_url": "" } } ] } Args: properties: Properties from observation results to include as GeoJSON properties kwargs: Arguments for :py:func:`.get_observations` Returns: A ``FeatureCollection`` containing observation results as ``Feature`` dicts. """ kwargs["mappable"] = True observations = get_all_observations(kwargs) return as_geojson_feature_collection( (flatten_nested_params(obs) for obs in observations), properties=properties if properties is not None else DEFAULT_OBSERVATION_ATTRS, )
[docs]def get_taxa_by_id(taxon_id: int, user_agent: str = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Get one or more taxa by ID. See:!/Taxa/get_taxa_id Args: taxon_id: Get taxa with this ID. Multiple values are allowed. Returns: A list of dicts containing taxa results """ if not is_int(taxon_id): raise ValueError("Please specify a single integer for the taxon ID") r = make_inaturalist_api_get_call("taxa/{}".format(taxon_id), {}, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def get_taxa( user_agent: str = None, min_rank: str = None, max_rank: str = None, **params ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given zero to many of following parameters, returns taxa matching the search criteria. See!/Taxa/get_taxa Args: q: Name must begin with this value is_active: Taxon is active taxon_id: Only show taxa with this ID, or its descendants parent_id: Taxon's parent must have this ID rank: Taxon must have this exact rank min_rank: Taxon must have this rank or higher; overrides ``rank`` max_rank: Taxon must have this rank or lower; overrides ``rank`` rank_level: Taxon must have this rank level. Some example values are 70 (kingdom), 60 (phylum), 50 (class), 40 (order), 30 (family), 20 (genus), 10 (species), 5 (subspecies) id_above: Must have an ID above this value id_below: Must have an ID below this value per_page: Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted locale: Locale preference for taxon common names preferred_place_id: Place preference for regional taxon common names only_id: Return only the record IDs all_names: Include all taxon names in the response Returns: A list of dicts containing taxa results """ if min_rank or max_rank: params["rank"] = _get_rank_range(min_rank, max_rank) r = make_inaturalist_api_get_call("taxa", params, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]def get_taxa_autocomplete(user_agent: str = None, minify: bool = False, **params) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given a query string, returns taxa with names starting with the search term See:!/Taxa/get_taxa_autocomplete **Note:** There appears to currently be a bug in the API that causes ``per_page`` to not have any effect. Args: q: Name must begin with this value is_active: Taxon is active taxon_id: Only show taxa with this ID, or its descendants rank: Taxon must have this rank rank_level: Taxon must have this rank level. Some example values are 70 (kingdom), 60 (phylum), 50 (class), 40 (order), 30 (family), 20 (genus), 10 (species), 5 (subspecies) per_page: Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200 unless otherwise noted locale: Locale preference for taxon common names preferred_place_id: Place preference for regional taxon common names all_names: Include all taxon names in the response minify: Condense each match into a single string containg taxon ID, rank, and name Returns: A list of dicts containing taxa results """ r = make_inaturalist_api_get_call("taxa/autocomplete", params, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() json_response = r.json() if minify: json_response["results"] = [format_taxon(t) for t in json_response["results"]] return json_response