


Attempt to determine the model class corresponding to an API result

enable_logging([level, external_level])

Configure logging to standard output with prettier tracebacks, formatting, and terminal colors (if supported).


If the given values are raw JSON responses, attempt to detect their type and convert to model objects

format_request(request[, dry_run])

Format HTTP request info


Format HTTP response info, including whether it came from the cache


Format model objects as a table.


Pretty-print any model object or list into a condensed summary.

Module Contents#

Utilities for formatting API responses and model objects, for convenience/readability when exploring data. Not used directly by API functions.

These functions will accept any of the following:

  • A JSON response

  • A list of response objects

  • A single response object


Attempt to determine the model class corresponding to an API result

Return type


pyinaturalist.formatters.enable_logging(level='INFO', external_level='WARNING')#

Configure logging to standard output with prettier tracebacks, formatting, and terminal colors (if supported).

If you prefer, logging can be configured with the stdlib logging module instead; this just provides some convenient defaults.

  • level (str) – Logging level to use for pyinaturalist

  • external_level (str) – Logging level to use for other libraries


If the given values are raw JSON responses, attempt to detect their type and convert to model objects

Return type


pyinaturalist.formatters.format_controlled_terms(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.controlled_term.ControlledTerm'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_identifications(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.identification.Identification'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_observations(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.observation.Observation'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_places(obj, *, cls=<class ''>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_projects(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.project.Project'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_request(request, dry_run=False)#

Format HTTP request info

Return type



Format HTTP response info, including whether it came from the cache

Return type


pyinaturalist.formatters.format_search_results(obj, *, cls=<class ''>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_species_counts(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.taxon.TaxonCount'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects


Format model objects as a table. If rich isn’t installed or the model doesn’t have a table format defined, just return a basic list of stringified objects.

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_taxa(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.taxon.Taxon'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects

pyinaturalist.formatters.format_users(obj, *, cls=<class 'pyinaturalist.models.user.User'>, **kwargs)#

Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects


Pretty-print any model object or list into a condensed summary.

Experimental: May also be used on most raw JSON API responses