


ClientSession([cache_file, cache_control, ...])

Custom session class used for sending API requests.


Bucket backed by a SQLite database and file lock.


A mock response to return in dry-run mode.



Clear all cached API responses

delete(url[, session])

Wrapper around requests.delete() with additional options specific to iNat API requests


Translate an environment variable to a boolean value, accounting for minor variations (case, None vs.

get(url[, session])

Wrapper around requests.get() with additional options specific to iNat API requests


Get a thread-local Session object with default settings.


In some cases, we need to be sure we have the most recent version of a resource, for example when updating projects.


A wrapper to determine if dry-run (aka test mode) has been enabled via either a constant or an environment variable.

post(url[, session])

Wrapper around with additional options specific to iNat API requests

put(url[, session])

Wrapper around requests.put() with additional options specific to iNat API requests

Module Contents

Session class and related functions for preparing and sending API requests

class pyinaturalist.session.ClientSession(cache_file='/home/docs/.local/share/pyinaturalist/api_requests.db', cache_control=True, expire_after=None, urls_expire_after=None, per_second=1, per_minute=60, per_day=10000, burst=5, bucket_class=<class 'pyrate_limiter.sqlite_bucket.SQLiteBucket'>, backoff_factor=0.5, max_retries=5, timeout=20, user_agent=None, **kwargs)

Bases: CacheMixin, LimiterMixin, Session

Custom session class used for sending API requests. Combines the following features and settings:

  • Caching

  • Rate-limiting (skipped for cached requests)

  • Retries

  • Timeouts

__init__(cache_file='/home/docs/.local/share/pyinaturalist/api_requests.db', cache_control=True, expire_after=None, urls_expire_after=None, per_second=1, per_minute=60, per_day=10000, burst=5, bucket_class=<class 'pyrate_limiter.sqlite_bucket.SQLiteBucket'>, backoff_factor=0.5, max_retries=5, timeout=20, user_agent=None, **kwargs)

Get a Session object, optionally with custom settings for caching and rate-limiting.

  • cache_file (Union[BinaryIO, Path, str]) – Cache file path to use; defaults to the system default cache directory

  • cache_control (bool) – Use server-provided Cache-Control headers to set cache expiration when possible (instead of expire_after or urls_expire_after)

  • expire_after (Union[None, int, float, str, datetime, timedelta]) – How long to keep cached API requests; for advanced options, see requests-cache: Expiration

  • See (urls_expire_after Glob patterns for per-URL cache expiration;) – requests-cache: URL Patterns

  • per_second (float) – Max requests per second

  • per_minute (float) – Max requests per minute

  • per_day (float) – Max requests per day

  • burst (int) – Max number of consecutive requests allowed before applying per-second rate-limiting

  • bucket_class (Type[AbstractBucket]) – Rate-limiting backend to use. Defaults to a persistent SQLite database.

  • backoff_factor (float) – Factor for increasing delays between retries

  • max_retries (int) – Maximum number of times to retry a failed request

  • timeout (int) – Maximum number of seconds to wait for a response from the server

  • user_agent (Optional[str]) – Additional User-Agent info to pass to API requests

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for CachedSession and/or LimiterSession

prepare_inat_request(method, url, access_token=None, files=None, headers=None, ids=None, json=None, params=None, allow_str_ids=False, **kwargs)

Translate pyinaturalist-specific options into standard request arguments

Return type:


request(method, url, headers=None, json=None, access_token=None, allow_redirects=False, allow_str_ids=False, dry_run=False, expire_after=None, files=None, ids=None, only_if_cached=False, raise_for_status=True, refresh=False, stream=False, timeout=None, verify=True, **params)

Wrapper around requests.request() with additional options specific to iNat API requests

  • method (str) – HTTP method

  • url (str) – Request URL

  • headers (Optional[Dict]) – Request headers

  • json (Optional[Dict]) – JSON request body

  • access_token (Optional[str]) – access_token: the access token, as returned by get_access_token()

  • dry_run (bool) – Just log the request instead of sending a real request

  • expire_after (Union[None, int, float, str, datetime, timedelta]) – How long to keep cached API requests

  • files (Union[BinaryIO, Path, str, None]) – File object, path, or URL to upload

  • ids (Union[int, Iterable[int], None]) – One or more integer IDs used as REST resource(s) to request

  • only_if_cached (bool) – Only return a response if it is cached

  • raise_for_status (bool) – Raise an exception if the response status is not 2xx

  • refresh (bool) – Skip reading from the cache and always fetch a fresh response

  • stream (bool) – Stream the response content

  • timeout (Optional[int]) – Time (in seconds) to wait for a response from the server; if exceeded, a requests.exceptions.Timeout will be raised.

  • verify (bool) – Verify SSL certificates

  • params (Dict[str, Any]) – All other keyword arguments will be interpreted as request parameters

Return type:



API response

send(request, dry_run=False, expire_after=None, refresh=False, retries=None, timeout=None, **kwargs)

Send a request with caching, rate-limiting, and retries


Note: requests.Session.send() accepts separate timeout values for connect and read timeouts. The timeout argument will be used as the read timeout.

Return type:


class pyinaturalist.session.FileLockSQLiteBucket(lock_path=PosixPath('/tmp/pyrate_limiter.lock'), **kwargs)

Bases: FileLockSQLiteBucket

Bucket backed by a SQLite database and file lock. Suitable for usage from multiple processes with no shared state. Requires installing [py-filelock](

The file lock is reentrant and shared across buckets, allowing a process to access multiple buckets at once.

This modified class allows setting a custom lock path.

class pyinaturalist.session.MockResponse(request=None, **kwargs)

Bases: CachedResponse

A mock response to return in dry-run mode. This behaves the same as a cached response, but with the following additions:

  • Adds default response values

  • Returns a defaultdict when calling json(), to accommodate checking for arbitrary keys


Returns the json-encoded content of a response, if any.


**kwargs – Optional arguments that json.loads takes.


requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError – If the response body does not contain valid json.


Clear all cached API responses

pyinaturalist.session.delete(url, session=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper around requests.delete() with additional options specific to iNat API requests

Return type:



Translate an environment variable to a boolean value, accounting for minor variations (case, None vs. False, etc.)

Return type:


pyinaturalist.session.get(url, session=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper around requests.get() with additional options specific to iNat API requests

Return type:



Get a thread-local Session object with default settings. This will be reused across requests to take advantage of connection pooling and (optionally) caching. If used in a multi-threaded context (for example, a ThreadPoolExecutor), this will create and store a separate session object for each thread.


kwargs – Keyword arguments for ClientSession()

Return type:



In some cases, we need to be sure we have the most recent version of a resource, for example when updating projects. Normally we would handle this with cache headers, but the CDN cache does not respect these if the cached response is less than ~2 minutes old.

The iNat webapp handles this by adding an extra v request parameter, which results in a different cache key. This function does the same by tracking a separate rate limit per value, and finding the lowest value that is certain to result in a fresh response.

Return type:



A wrapper to determine if dry-run (aka test mode) has been enabled via either a constant or an environment variable. Dry-run mode may be enabled for either write requests, or all requests.

Return type:

bool, session=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper around with additional options specific to iNat API requests

Return type:


pyinaturalist.session.put(url, session=None, **kwargs)

Wrapper around requests.put() with additional options specific to iNat API requests

Return type:
