




Create a new observation

delete_observation(observation_id, **params)

Delete an observation


Get observation data, optionally in an alternative format

update_observation(observation_id, **params)

Update a single observation

upload_photos(observation_id, photos, **params)

Upload a local photo and assign it to an existing observation

upload_sounds(observation_id, sounds, **params)

Upload a local sound file and assign it to an existing observation

Module Contents#


Create a new observation


  • access_token (Optional[str]) – An access token for user authentication, as returned by get_access_token()

  • species_guess (Optional[str]) – Equivalent to the ‘What did you see?’ field on the observation form. iNat will try to choose a single taxon based on this, but it may fail if it’s ambiguous

  • taxon_id (Optional[int]) – ID of the taxon to associate with this observation

  • observed_on (Union[date, datetime, str, None]) – Alias for observed_on_string; accepts datetime objects.

  • observed_on_string (Union[date, datetime, str, None]) – Date/time of the observation. Time zone will default to the user’s time zone if not specified.

  • time_zone (Optional[str]) – Time zone the observation was made in

  • description (Optional[str]) – Observation description

  • tag_list (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Comma-separated list of tags

  • place_guess (Optional[str]) – Name of the place where the observation was recorded. Note: iNat will not try to automatically look up coordinates based on this string

  • latitude (Optional[float]) – Latitude of the observation; presumed datum is WGS84

  • longitude (Optional[float]) – Longitude of the observation; presumed datum is WGS84

  • map_scale (Optional[int]) – Google Maps zoom level (from 0 to 19) at which to show this observation’s map marker.

  • positional_accuracy (Optional[int]) – Positional accuracy of the observation coordinates, in meters

  • geoprivacy (Optional[str]) – Geoprivacy for the observation

  • observation_fields (Union[Dict, List[Dict], None]) – Dict of observation fields in the format {id: value}. Alias for observation_field_values_attributes.

  • flickr_photos (Union[int, Iterable[int], None]) – Flickr photo ID(s) to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Flickr and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo(s) on Flickr.

  • picasa_photos (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Picasa photo ID(s) to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Picasa and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo(s) on Picasa.

  • facebook_photos (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Facebook photo IDs to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Facebook and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo on Facebook.

  • photos (Union[BinaryIO, str, Iterable[Union[BinaryIO, str]], None]) – One or more image files, file-like objects, file paths, or URLs

  • sounds (Union[BinaryIO, str, Iterable[Union[BinaryIO, str]], None]) – One or more sound files, file-like objects, file paths, or URLs

  • photo_ids (Union[int, Iterable[int], str, Iterable[str], None]) – One or more IDs of previously uploaded photos to attach to the observation

  • dry_run (Optional[bool]) – Just log the request instead of sending a real request

  • session (Optional[Session]) – An existing Session object to use instead of creating a new one


>>> token = get_access_token()
>>> create_observation(
>>>     access_token=token,
>>>     species_guess='Pieris rapae',
>>>     photos='~/observation_photos/2020_09_01_14003156.jpg',
>>>     observation_fields={297: 1},  # 297 is the obs. field ID for 'Number of individuals'
>>> )
Example Response
    "id": 18124406,
    "observed_on": null,
    "description": null,
    "latitude": null,
    "longitude": null,
    "map_scale": null,
    "timeframe": null,
    "species_guess": "Pieris rapae",
    "user_id": 1263313,
    "taxon_id": 55626,
    "created_at": "2018-11-05T11:08:19.150+01:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-11-05T11:08:19.215+01:00",
    "place_guess": null,
    "id_please": false,
    "observed_on_string": null,
    "iconic_taxon_id": 47158,
    "num_identification_agreements": 0,
    "num_identification_disagreements": 0,
    "time_observed_at": null,
    "time_zone": "Brussels",
    "location_is_exact": false,
    "delta": false,
    "positional_accuracy": null,
    "private_latitude": null,
    "private_longitude": null,
    "private_positional_accuracy": null,
    "geoprivacy": null,
    "quality_grade": "casual",
    "positioning_method": null,
    "positioning_device": null,
    "out_of_range": null,
    "license": "CC-BY-NC",
    "uri": null,
    "observation_photos_count": 0,
    "comments_count": 0,
    "zic_time_zone": "Europe/Brussels",
    "oauth_application_id": 278,
    "observation_sounds_count": 0,
    "identifications_count": 1,
    "captive": false,
    "community_taxon_id": null,
    "site_id": 1,
    "old_uuid": null,
    "public_positional_accuracy": null,
    "mappable": false,
    "cached_votes_total": 0,
    "last_indexed_at": "2018-11-05T02:08:19.652-08:00",
    "private_place_guess": null,
    "uuid": "0f0581ce-1be5-4ba5-9d0b-ecac994b50ed",
    "user_login": "vespawatch",
    "iconic_taxon_name": "Insecta",
    "project_observations": [],
    "created_at_utc": "2018-11-05T10:08:19.150Z",
    "updated_at_utc": "2018-11-05T10:08:19.215Z",
    "time_observed_at_utc": null,
    "faves_count": 0,
    "owners_identification_from_vision": false
Example Response (failure)
  "errors": [
      "Observed on can't be in the future",
      "Latitude doit être inférieur ou égal à 90"
Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


JSON response containing the newly created observation(s)

  • HTTPError – If the call is not successful

  • Note – The exception’s response attribute gives more details about the errors.

pyinaturalist.v0.observations.delete_observation(observation_id, **params)#

Delete an observation




>>> token = get_access_token()
>>> delete_observation(17932425, token)

If successful, no response is returned from this endpoint

  • .ObservationNotFound – if the requested observation doesn’t exist

  • HTTPError – 403 if the observation belongs to another user


Get observation data, optionally in an alternative format




>>> get_observations(id=45414404, converters='atom')
Example Response (atom)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xml:lang="en-US" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:georss="http://www.georss.org/georss">
  <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.inaturalist.org"/>
  <link rel="self" type="application/atom+xml" href="https://www.inaturalist.org/observations.atom?id=16227955"/>
  <title>iNaturalist: Observations by Everyone</title>
    <link rel="alternate" type="text/html" href="https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955"/>
    <title>Lixus bardanae</title>
    <content type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;img src="https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/medium.jpeg?1536150659" alt="Medium" /&gt; &lt;img src="https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/medium.jpeg?1536150664" alt="Medium" /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</content>
    <georss:point>50.646894 4.360086</georss:point>
Example Response (csv)
Lixus bardanae,2018-09-05 14:06:00 +0200,"",54 rue des Badauds,50.646894,4.360086,"",,https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955,https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/medium.jpeg?1536150664,niconoe,16227955,Lixus bardanae,Insecta,493595,2,0,2018/09/05 2:06 PM CEST,2018-09-05,2018-09-05 12:06:00 UTC,Paris,23,,,,false,,,886482,2018-09-05 12:31:08 UTC,2018-09-22 17:19:27 UTC,research,CC0,,,false
Example Response (dwc)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<dwr:SimpleDarwinRecordSet xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/simpledarwincore/  http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/tdwg_dwc_simple.xsd" xmlns:ac="http://rs.tdwg.org/ac/terms/" xmlns:dcterms="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" xmlns:dwc="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/" xmlns:dwr="http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/xsd/simpledarwincore/" xmlns:eol="http://www.eol.org/transfer/content/1.0" xmlns:geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#" xmlns:media="http://eol.org/schema/media/" xmlns:ref="http://eol.org/schema/reference/" xmlns:xap="http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/">
  <dwc:datasetName>iNaturalist research-grade observations</dwc:datasetName>
  <dwc:recordedBy>Nicolas Noé</dwc:recordedBy>
  <dwc:verbatimEventDate>2018/09/05 2:06 PM CEST</dwc:verbatimEventDate>
  <dwc:verbatimLocality>54 rue des Badauds</dwc:verbatimLocality>
  <dwc:scientificName>Lixus bardanae</dwc:scientificName>
  <dcterms:rights>By Nicolas Noé no rights reserved</dcterms:rights>
  <dcterms:rightsHolder>Nicolas Noé</dcterms:rightsHolder>
    <dcterms:rights>Copyright Nicolas Noé, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</dcterms:rights>
    <xap:Owner>Nicolas Noé</xap:Owner>
    <dcterms:creator>Nicolas Noé</dcterms:creator>
    <dcterms:rights>Copyright Nicolas Noé, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</dcterms:rights>
    <xap:Owner>Nicolas Noé</xap:Owner>
    <dcterms:creator>Nicolas Noé</dcterms:creator>
Example Response (json)
        "id": 16227955,
        "observed_on": "2018-09-05",
        "description": "",
        "latitude": "50.646894",
        "longitude": "4.360086",
        "map_scale": 17,
        "timeframe": null,
        "species_guess": "Lixus bardanae",
        "user_id": 886482,
        "taxon_id": 493595,
        "created_at": "2018-09-05T12:31:08.048Z",
        "updated_at": "2018-09-22T17:19:27.080Z",
        "place_guess": "54 rue des Badauds",
        "id_please": false,
        "observed_on_string": "2018/09/05 2:06 PM CEST",
        "iconic_taxon_id": 47158,
        "num_identification_agreements": 2,
        "num_identification_disagreements": 0,
        "time_observed_at": "2018-09-05T12:06:00.000Z",
        "time_zone": "Paris",
        "location_is_exact": true,
        "delta": false,
        "positional_accuracy": 23,
        "private_latitude": null,
        "private_longitude": null,
        "private_positional_accuracy": null,
        "geoprivacy": null,
        "quality_grade": "research",
        "positioning_method": null,
        "positioning_device": null,
        "out_of_range": null,
        "license": "CC0",
        "uri": "https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955",
        "observation_photos_count": 2,
        "comments_count": 2,
        "zic_time_zone": "Europe/Paris",
        "oauth_application_id": null,
        "observation_sounds_count": 0,
        "identifications_count": 3,
        "captive": false,
        "community_taxon_id": 493595,
        "site_id": 1,
        "old_uuid": null,
        "public_positional_accuracy": 23,
        "mappable": true,
        "cached_votes_total": 0,
        "last_indexed_at": "2019-10-10T20:19:39.304Z",
        "private_place_guess": null,
        "uuid": "6448d03a-7f9a-4099-86aa-ca09a7740b00",
        "taxon_geoprivacy": null,
        "short_description": "",
        "user_login": "niconoe",
        "iconic_taxon_name": "Insecta",
        "tag_list": [],
        "faves_count": 0,
        "created_at_utc": "2018-09-05T12:31:08.048Z",
        "updated_at_utc": "2018-09-22T17:19:27.080Z",
        "time_observed_at_utc": "2018-09-05T12:06:00.000Z",
        "owners_identification_from_vision": true,
        "taxon": {
            "id": 493595,
            "name": "Lixus bardanae",
            "rank": "species",
            "ancestry": "48460/1/47120/372739/47158/184884/47208/71130/372852/60473/48736/272543/507383/71157",
            "common_name": null
        "iconic_taxon": {
            "id": 47158,
            "name": "Insecta",
            "rank": "class",
            "rank_level": 50.0,
            "ancestry": "48460/1/47120/372739"
        "user": {
            "login": "niconoe",
            "user_icon_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/attachments/users/icons/886482/thumb.jpg?1529671435"
        "photos": [
                "id": 24355313,
                "user_id": 886482,
                "native_photo_id": "24355313",
                "square_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/square.jpeg?1536150659",
                "thumb_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/thumb.jpeg?1536150659",
                "small_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/small.jpeg?1536150659",
                "medium_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/medium.jpeg?1536150659",
                "large_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313/large.jpeg?1536150659",
                "created_at": "2018-09-05T12:31:01.946Z",
                "updated_at": "2018-09-05T12:31:01.946Z",
                "native_page_url": "https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/24355313",
                "native_username": "niconoe",
                "native_realname": "Nicolas No\u00e9",
                "license": 4,
                "subtype": null,
                "native_original_image_url": null,
                "uuid": "be0dcd96-db21-4c19-814b-bcd33c051ea6",
                "license_code": "CC-BY",
                "attribution": "(c) Nicolas No\u00e9, some rights reserved (CC BY)",
                "license_name": "Creative Commons Attribution License",
                "license_url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
                "type": "LocalPhoto"
                "id": 24355315,
                "user_id": 886482,
                "native_photo_id": "24355315",
                "square_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/square.jpeg?1536150664",
                "thumb_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/thumb.jpeg?1536150664",
                "small_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/small.jpeg?1536150664",
                "medium_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/medium.jpeg?1536150664",
                "large_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/large.jpeg?1536150664",
                "created_at": "2018-09-05T12:31:05.862Z",
                "updated_at": "2018-09-05T12:31:05.862Z",
                "native_page_url": "https://www.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315",
                "native_username": "niconoe",
                "native_realname": "Nicolas No\u00e9",
                "license": 4,
                "subtype": null,
                "native_original_image_url": null,
                "uuid": "154b105a-3e04-448d-b8a3-8ced07af2adf",
                "license_code": "CC-BY",
                "attribution": "(c) Nicolas No\u00e9, some rights reserved (CC BY)",
                "license_name": "Creative Commons Attribution License",
                "license_url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/",
                "type": "LocalPhoto"
Example Response (kml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<Placemark id="ID16227955">
  <name>Lixus bardanae</name>
    <![CDATA[<table cellpadding="5" border="0">
    <td valign="top" style="vertical-align: top">
      <a href="https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955">
        <img src="https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/thumb.jpeg?1536150664" alt="Thumb" />
    <td valign="top" style="vertical-align: top">
        Observed by <a href="https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/niconoe">niconoe</a>

          <span class="observed_on"><span class="date">2018-09-05</span></span>
          <span class="place_guess">54 rue des Badauds</span>

        <a class="readmore" href="https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955">View Observation</a>
Example Response (widget)
try {
  var msg = document.getElementById('inatwidgetmsg');
    if (msg) {
      msg.style.visibility = 'visible';

      document.write('<table data-current-page=\"1\" data-per-page=\"30\" data-total-entries=\"1\"data-total-pages=\"1\"><tr class=\"inat-observation\"><td class=\"inat-observation-image\" valign=\"top\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955\"><img border=\"0\" title=\"Lixus bardanae from 54 rue des Badauds on September 05, 2018 at 02:06 PM by Nicolas Noé\" src=\"https://static.inaturalist.org/photos/24355315/square.jpeg?1536150664\" alt=\"Square\" /><\/a>      <\/td><td class=\"inat-observation-body\" valign=\"top\"><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/16227955\">Lixus bardanae<\/a><div class=\"inat-meta\"><span class=\"inat-label\">Observer: <\/span><span class=\"inat-value\"><a href=\"https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/niconoe\">niconoe<\/a><\/span><br/><span class=\"inat-label\">Date: <\/span><span class=\"inat-value\"> Sep 05 2018<\/span><br/><span class=\"inat-label\">Place: <\/span><span class=\"inat-value\">54 rue des Badauds<\/span><\/div><\/td><\/tr><\/table>')

} catch (e) {}
Return type:

Union[List, str]


Return type will be dict for the json response format, and str for all others.

pyinaturalist.v0.observations.update_observation(observation_id, **params)#

Update a single observation



Unlike the underlying REST API endpoint, this function will not delete any existing photos from your observation if not specified in local_photos. If you want this to behave the same as the REST API and you do want to delete photos, call with ignore_photos=False.

  • observation_id (int) – iNaturalist observation ID

  • access_token (Optional[str]) – An access token for user authentication, as returned by get_access_token()

  • species_guess (Optional[str]) – Equivalent to the ‘What did you see?’ field on the observation form. iNat will try to choose a single taxon based on this, but it may fail if it’s ambiguous

  • taxon_id (Optional[int]) – ID of the taxon to associate with this observation

  • observed_on (Union[date, datetime, str, None]) – Alias for observed_on_string; accepts datetime objects.

  • observed_on_string (Union[date, datetime, str, None]) – Date/time of the observation. Time zone will default to the user’s time zone if not specified.

  • time_zone (Optional[str]) – Time zone the observation was made in

  • description (Optional[str]) – Observation description

  • tag_list (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Comma-separated list of tags

  • place_guess (Optional[str]) – Name of the place where the observation was recorded. Note: iNat will not try to automatically look up coordinates based on this string

  • latitude (Optional[float]) – Latitude of the observation; presumed datum is WGS84

  • longitude (Optional[float]) – Longitude of the observation; presumed datum is WGS84

  • map_scale (Optional[int]) – Google Maps zoom level (from 0 to 19) at which to show this observation’s map marker.

  • positional_accuracy (Optional[int]) – Positional accuracy of the observation coordinates, in meters

  • geoprivacy (Optional[str]) – Geoprivacy for the observation

  • observation_fields (Union[Dict, List[Dict], None]) – Dict of observation fields in the format {id: value}. Alias for observation_field_values_attributes.

  • flickr_photos (Union[int, Iterable[int], None]) – Flickr photo ID(s) to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Flickr and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo(s) on Flickr.

  • picasa_photos (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Picasa photo ID(s) to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Picasa and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo(s) on Picasa.

  • facebook_photos (Union[str, Iterable[str], None]) – Facebook photo IDs to add as photos for this observation. User must have their Facebook and iNat accounts connected, and the user must own the photo on Facebook.

  • photos (Union[BinaryIO, str, Iterable[Union[BinaryIO, str]], None]) – One or more image files, file-like objects, file paths, or URLs

  • sounds (Union[BinaryIO, str, Iterable[Union[BinaryIO, str]], None]) – One or more sound files, file-like objects, file paths, or URLs

  • photo_ids (Union[int, Iterable[int], str, Iterable[str], None]) – One or more IDs of previously uploaded photos to attach to the observation

  • ignore_photos (bool) – If photos exist on the observation but are missing in the request, ignore them instead of deleting the missing observation photos

  • dry_run (Optional[bool]) – Just log the request instead of sending a real request

  • session (Optional[Session]) –

    An existing Session object to use instead of creating a new one


>>> token = get_access_token()
>>> update_observation(
>>>     17932425,
>>>     access_token=token,
>>>     description='updated description!',
>>> )
Example Response
    "id": 17932425,
    "observed_on": "2018-10-29",
    "description": "updated description v2 !",
    "latitude": "50.4898053873",
    "longitude": "5.1035889611",
    "map_scale": null,
    "timeframe": null,
    "species_guess": null,
    "user_id": 1263313,
    "taxon_id": 54327,
    "created_at": "2018-10-29T14:37:32.176+01:00",
    "updated_at": "2018-10-30T14:30:11.667+01:00",
    "place_guess": "Namur, Wallonie, BE",
    "id_please": false,
    "observed_on_string": "2018-10-28T23:00:00+00:00",
    "iconic_taxon_id": 47158,
    "num_identification_agreements": 0,
    "num_identification_disagreements": 0,
    "time_observed_at": "2018-10-29T00:00:00.000+01:00",
    "time_zone": "Brussels",
    "location_is_exact": false,
    "delta": false,
    "positional_accuracy": null,
    "private_latitude": null,
    "private_longitude": null,
    "private_positional_accuracy": null,
    "geoprivacy": null,
    "quality_grade": "casual",
    "positioning_method": null,
    "positioning_device": null,
    "out_of_range": null,
    "license": "CC-BY-NC",
    "uri": "https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/17932425",
    "observation_photos_count": 0,
    "comments_count": 0,
    "zic_time_zone": "Europe/Brussels",
    "oauth_application_id": 278,
    "observation_sounds_count": 0,
    "identifications_count": 1,
    "captive": false,
    "community_taxon_id": null,
    "site_id": 1,
    "old_uuid": null,
    "public_positional_accuracy": null,
    "mappable": true,
    "cached_votes_total": 0,
    "last_indexed_at": "2018-10-30T06:36:06.027-07:00",
    "private_place_guess": null,
    "uuid": "03d9e7a4-d96e-4de0-a9ec-d1dacc14be44",
    "user_login": "vespawatch",
    "iconic_taxon_name": "Insecta",
    "created_at_utc": "2018-10-29T13:37:32.176Z",
    "updated_at_utc": "2018-10-30T13:30:11.667Z",
    "time_observed_at_utc": "2018-10-28T23:00:00.000Z",
    "faves_count": 0,
    "owners_identification_from_vision": false
Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


JSON response containing the newly updated observation

  • HTTPError – if the call is not successful.

  • Note – iNaturalist returns an error 410 if the observation doesn’t exists or belongs to another user.

pyinaturalist.v0.observations.upload_photos(observation_id, photos, **params)#

Upload a local photo and assign it to an existing observation



>>> token = get_access_token()
>>> upload_photos(1234, '~/observations/2020_09_01_14003156.jpg', access_token=token)

Multiple photos can be uploaded at once:

>>> upload_photos(
>>>     1234,
>>>     ['~/observations/2020_09_01_14003156.jpg', '~/observations/2020_09_01_14004223.jpg'],
>>>     access_token=token,
>>> )
Example Response
    "id": 1234,
    "observation_id": 1234,
    "photo_id": 1234,
    "position": null,
    "created_at": "2020-09-24T21:06:16.964-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-09-24T21:06:16.964-05:00",
    "old_uuid": null,
    "uuid": "f4ec883f-e835-4590-ab3e-97900bd454a5",
    "created_at_utc": "2020-09-25T02:06:16.964Z",
    "updated_at_utc": "2020-09-25T02:06:16.964Z",
    "photo": {
      "id": 1234,
      "user_id": 1234,
      "native_photo_id": "1234",
      "square_url": null,
      "thumb_url": null,
      "small_url": null,
      "medium_url": null,
      "large_url": null,
      "created_at": "2020-09-24T21:06:15.212-05:00",
      "updated_at": "2020-09-24T21:06:15.212-05:00",
      "native_page_url": null,
      "native_username": "username",
      "native_realname": "Firstname Lastname",
      "license": 2,
      "subtype": null,
      "native_original_image_url": null,
      "uuid": "632dddc1-85ad-4664-8438-de6e0afd7746",
      "license_name": "Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License",
      "license_url": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/",
      "attribution": "(c) Firstname Lastname, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)",
      "type": "LocalPhoto"
  • observation_id (int) – the ID of the observation

  • photo – An image file, file-like object, or path

  • access_token – Access token for user authentication, as returned by get_access_token()

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


Information about the uploaded photo(s)

pyinaturalist.v0.observations.upload_sounds(observation_id, sounds, **params)#

Upload a local sound file and assign it to an existing observation



>>> token = get_access_token()
>>> upload_sounds(1234, '~/observations/2020_09_01_14003156.mp3', access_token=token)
Example Response
    "id": 233946,
    "uuid": "d77d4725-5498-4145-8e2b-6e6580df88c6",
    "created_at": "2021-05-30T17:36:40.286-05:00",
    "updated_at": "2021-05-30T17:36:40.286-05:00",
    "sound": {
      "id": 239936,
      "license_code": "cc-by-nc",
      "attribution": "(c) Jordan Cook, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)",
      "native_sound_id": null,
      "secret_token": null,
      "file_url": "https://static.inaturalist.org/sounds/239936.mp3?1622414199",
      "file_content_type": "audio/mpeg",
      "play_local": true,
      "subtype": null,
      "flags": []

Multiple sounds can be uploaded at once:

>>> upload_sounds(
>>>     1234,
>>>     ['~/observations/2020_09_01_14003156.mp3', '~/observations/2020_09_01_14004223.wav'],
>>>     access_token=token,
>>> )
  • observation_id (int) – the ID of the observation

  • sound – An audio file, file-like object, or path

  • access_token – Access token for user authentication, as returned by get_access_token()

Return type:

List[Dict[str, Any]]


Information about the uploaded sound(s)