




Given a query string, get places with names starting with the search term

get_places_by_id(place_id, **params)

Get one or more places by ID

get_places_nearby(nelat, nelng, swlat, ...)

Search for places near a given location

Module Contents#

class pyinaturalist.v1.places.PlaceAutocompletePaginator(**kwargs)#

Bases: JsonPaginator, AutocompletePaginator

pyinaturalist.v1.places.get_places_autocomplete(q=None, **params)#

Given a query string, get places with names starting with the search term


  • API reference: GET /places/autocomplete

  • This endpoint accepts a per_page param, up to a max of 20 (default 10)

  • Pages beyond the first page cannot be retrieved. Use page=all to attempt to retrieve additional results. See paginate_autocomplete() for more info.

  • q (Optional[str]) – Search query

  • page (Optional[int]) – Page number of results to return

  • per_page (Optional[int]) – Number of results to return in a page. The maximum value is generally 200, unless otherwise noted

  • order (Optional[str]) – Sort order

  • order_by (Optional[str]) – Field to sort on

  • count_only (Optional[bool]) – Only return a count of results; alias for per_page=0

  • reverse (Optional[bool]) – Reverse the order of results; alias for order='descending'

  • dry_run (Optional[bool]) – Just log the request instead of sending a real request

  • session (Optional[Session]) – An existing Session object to use instead of creating a new one


>>> response = get_places_autocomplete('Irkutsk')
>>> pprint(response)
[11803] Irkutsk
[41854] Irkutskiy rayon
[166186] Irkutsk Oblast - ADD
[163077] Irkutsk agglomeration
Example Response
    'total_results': 4,
    'page': 1,
    'per_page': 4,
    'results': [
            'ancestor_place_ids': [97395, 7161, 11803],
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [95.5820007324, 51.1188278198],
                        [95.5820007324, 64.2834396362],
                        [119.1222915649, 64.2834396362],
                        [119.1222915649, 51.1188278198],
                        [95.5820007324, 51.1188278198],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 309.898790854159,
            'admin_level': 1,
            'place_type': 21,
            'name': 'Irkutsk',
            'location': [57.0842832466, 106.2908666325],
            'id': 11803,
            'display_name': 'Irkutsk, RU',
            'uuid': '5a21bcbc-3975-4d22-81fa-0088543e3247',
            'slug': 'irkutsk',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'ancestor_place_ids': [97395, 7161, 11803, 41853],
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [104.175743103, 52.3083381653],
                        [104.175743103, 52.3586273193],
                        [104.2688369751, 52.3586273193],
                        [104.2688369751, 52.3083381653],
                        [104.175743103, 52.3083381653],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 0.00468161207394086,
            'admin_level': 2,
            'place_type': 9,
            'name': 'Irkutsk',
            'location': [52.3330788792, 104.2213639696],
            'id': 41853,
            'display_name': 'Irkutsk, IK, RU',
            'uuid': 'ff9b00cd-491d-4414-a7a6-1d25bc16687b',
            'slug': 'irkutsk-irkutsk-ru',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'MultiPolygon',
            'ancestor_place_ids': [97395, 7161, 11803, 41854],
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [103.3993835449, 51.8282775879],
                        [103.3993835449, 52.7414131165],
                        [105.9679870605, 52.7414131165],
                        [105.9679870605, 51.8282775879],
                        [103.3993835449, 51.8282775879],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 2.34548312891261,
            'admin_level': 2,
            'place_type': 102,
            'name': 'Irkutskiy rayon',
            'location': [52.2449129844, 104.5715345329],
            'id': 41854,
            'display_name': 'Irkutskiy rayon, IK, RU',
            'uuid': '23f656ae-4830-4934-b0e8-0fdc966565d1',
            'slug': 'irkutskiy-rayon',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'ancestor_place_ids': [97395, 7161, 163077],
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [103.1875974, 51.6715918],
                        [103.1875974, 53.0498458],
                        [106.1725331, 53.0498458],
                        [106.1725331, 51.6715918],
                        [103.1875974, 51.6715918],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 4.1139995682678,
            'admin_level': None,
            'place_type': 1013,
            'name': 'Irkutsk agglomeration',
            'location': [52.2598446202, 104.6684418399],
            'id': 163077,
            'display_name': 'Irkutsk agglomeration, RU',
            'uuid': '553871d4-762e-4306-a48a-c4c5a3ac18b7',
            'slug': 'irkutsk-agglomeration',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'Polygon',
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Response dict containing place records

pyinaturalist.v1.places.get_places_by_id(place_id, **params)#

Get one or more places by ID



>>> response = get_places_by_id([67591, 89191])
>>> pprint(response)
[89191] Conservation Area Riversdale
[67591] Riversdale Beach
Example Response
    'total_results': 2,
    'page': 1,
    'per_page': 2,
    'results': [
            'ancestor_place_ids': [97393, 6803, 8479, 40475, 89191],
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [172.22944733271785, -43.32610616632186],
                        [172.22944733271785, -43.32459953345999],
                        [172.2351855995691, -43.32459953345999],
                        [172.2351855995691, -43.32610616632186],
                        [172.22944733271785, -43.32610616632186],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 8.64546140806803e-06,
            'admin_level': None,
            'place_type': 100,
            'name': 'Conservation Area Riversdale',
            'location': [-43.3254578926, 172.2325124165],
            'id': 89191,
            'display_name': 'Conservation Area Riversdale, CA, NZ',
            'slug': 'conservation-area-riversdale',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'MultiPolygon',
            'ancestor_place_ids': None,
            'bounding_box_geojson': {
                'coordinates': [
                        [176.0643786192, -41.1114421991],
                        [176.0643786192, -41.0804995501],
                        [176.0837817192, -41.0804995501],
                        [176.0837817192, -41.1114421991],
                        [176.0643786192, -41.1114421991],
                'type': 'Polygon',
            'bbox_area': 0.0006003833128119,
            'admin_level': None,
            'place_type': None,
            'name': 'Riversdale Beach',
            'location': [-41.0959708746, 176.0740801692],
            'id': 67591,
            'display_name': 'Riversdale Beach',
            'uuid': 'c5bca3b0-d9f2-44c3-bdb1-1189734a30a4',
            'slug': 'riversdale-beach',
            'geometry_geojson': {
                'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED',
                'type': 'MultiPolygon',

place_id (Union[int, Iterable[int]]) – Get a place with this ID. Multiple values are allowed.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Response dict containing place records

pyinaturalist.v1.places.get_places_nearby(nelat, nelng, swlat, swlng, **params)#

Search for places near a given location




>>> bounding_box = (150.0, -50.0, -149.999, -49.999)
>>> response = get_places_nearby(*bounding_box)

Response is split into standard (curated) places and community (non-curated) places:

>>> print(len(response['results']['standard']))
>>> print(len(response['results']['community']))

Show basic info for all places in response:

>>> pprint(response)
[97394] North America
[97395] Asia
[97393] Oceania
Example Response
    'total_results': 2,
    'page': 1,
    'per_page': 2,
    'results': {
        'standard': [
                'ancestor_place_ids': None,
                'bounding_box_geojson': {
                    'coordinates': [
                            [0.0132, 5.4508],
                            [0.0132, 83.7083],
                            [-0.0033, 83.7083],
                            [-0.0033, 5.4508],
                            [0.0132, 5.4508],
                    'type': 'Polygon',
                'bbox_area': 28171.40875125,
                'admin_level': -1,
                'place_type': 29,
                'name': 'North America',
                'location': [56.7732555574, -179.68825],
                'id': 97394,
                'display_name': 'North America',
                'uuid': '22e0b04f-5efe-4383-a167-95079e1d5ce1',
                'slug': 'north-america',
                'geometry_geojson': {'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED', 'type': 'MultiPolygon'},
        'community': [
                'ancestor_place_ids': [97391, 8858, 11770],
                'bounding_box_geojson': {
                    'coordinates': [
                            [22.004324, 44.104093],
                            [22.004324, 45.119544],
                            [23.481443, 45.119544],
                            [23.481443, 44.104093],
                            [22.004324, 44.104093],
                    'type': 'Polygon',
                'bbox_area': 1.49994196566895,
                'admin_level': None,
                'place_type': 8,
                'name': 'Mehedinti',
                'location': [44.6118185, 22.7428835],
                'id': 11770,
                'display_name': 'Mehedinti, RO',
                'uuid': 'efa6a122-7d25-4342-a452-15c7036f6e44',
                'slug': 'mehedinti',
                'geometry_geojson': {'coordinates': 'TRUNCATED', 'type': 'Polygon'},
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Response dict containing place records, divided into ‘standard’ and ‘community’ places.