Source code for pyinaturalist.response_format

""" Helper functions for formatting API responses """
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Iterable

from pyinaturalist.constants import RANKS

[docs]def as_geojson_feature_collection( results: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], properties: List[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """" Convert results from an API response into a `geojson FeatureCollection <>`_ object. This is currently only used for observations, but could be used for any other responses with geospatial info. Args: results: List of results from API response properties: Whitelist of specific properties to include """ return { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [as_geojson_feature(record, properties) for record in results], }
[docs]def as_geojson_feature(result: Dict[str, Any], properties: List[str] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """" Convert an individual response item to a geojson Feature object, optionally with specific response properties included. Args: result: A single response item properties: Whitelist of specific properties to include """ result["geojson"]["coordinates"] = [float(i) for i in result["geojson"]["coordinates"]] return { "type": "Feature", "geometry": result["geojson"], "properties": {k: result.get(k) for k in properties or []}, }
[docs]def flatten_nested_params(observation: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Extract some nested observation properties to include at the top level; this makes it easier to specify these as properties for :py:func:`.as_as_geojson_feature_collection`. Args: observation: A single observation result """ taxon = observation.get("taxon", {}) photos = observation.get("photos", [{}]) observation["taxon_id"] = taxon.get("id") observation["taxon_name"] = taxon.get("name") observation["taxon_rank"] = taxon.get("rank") observation["preferred_common_name"] = taxon.get("preferred_common_name") observation["photo_url"] = photos[0].get("url") return observation
[docs]def format_taxon(taxon: Dict) -> str: """Format a taxon result into a single string containing taxon ID, rank, and name (including common name, if available). """ # Visually align taxon IDs (< 7 chars) and ranks (< 11 chars) common = taxon.get("preferred_common_name") return "{:>8}: {:>12} {}{}".format( taxon["id"], taxon["rank"].title(), taxon["name"], " ({})".format(common) if common else "", )
def _get_rank_range(min_rank: str = None, max_rank: str = None) -> List[str]: """ Translate min and/or max rank into a list of ranks """ min_rank_index = _get_rank_index(min_rank) if min_rank else 0 max_rank_index = _get_rank_index(max_rank) + 1 if max_rank else len(RANKS) return RANKS[min_rank_index:max_rank_index] def _get_rank_index(rank: str) -> int: if rank not in RANKS: raise ValueError("Invalid rank") return RANKS.index(rank)