pyinaturalist.response_format module

Helper functions for formatting API responses

pyinaturalist.response_format.as_geojson_feature(result: Dict[str, Any], properties: Optional[List[str]] = None)Dict[str, Any][source]

” Convert an individual response item to a geojson Feature object, optionally with specific response properties included.

  • result – A single response item

  • properties – Whitelist of specific properties to include

pyinaturalist.response_format.as_geojson_feature_collection(results: Iterable[Dict[str, Any]], properties: Optional[List[str]] = None)Dict[str, Any][source]

” Convert results from an API response into a geojson FeatureCollection object. This is currently only used for observations, but could be used for any other responses with geospatial info.

  • results – List of results from API response

  • properties – Whitelist of specific properties to include

pyinaturalist.response_format.flatten_nested_params(observation: Dict[str, Any])Dict[str, Any][source]
Extract some nested observation properties to include at the top level;

this makes it easier to specify these as properties for as_as_geojson_feature_collection().


observation – A single observation result

pyinaturalist.response_format.format_taxon(taxon: Dict)str[source]

Format a taxon result into a single string containing taxon ID, rank, and name (including common name, if available).