Source code for pyinaturalist.formatters

"""Extra functions to help preview response content, not used directly by API functions.

These functions will accept any of the following:

* A JSON response
* A list of response objects
* A single response object

They will also accept the option ``align=True`` to align values where possible.
# TODO: Use tabulate library for aligning values
from copy import deepcopy
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Sequence

from pyinaturalist.constants import ResponseObject, ResponseOrObject

__all__ = [
logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def format_controlled_terms(terms: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format controlled term results into a condensed list of terms and values""" return _format_objects(terms, align, _format_controlled_term)
def _format_controlled_term(term: ResponseObject, **kwargs) -> str: term_values = [f' {value["id"]}: {value["label"]}' for value in term['values']] return f'{term["id"]}: {term["label"]}\n' + '\n'.join(term_values)
[docs]def format_identifications(identifications: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format identification results into a condensed summary: id, what, when, and who""" return _format_objects(identifications, align, _format_identification)
def _format_identification(ident: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: ident_id = pad(ident['id'], 8, align) taxon = _format_taxon(ident['taxon'], align=align) category = pad(ident['category'], 10, align) return f"[{ident_id}] {taxon} ({category}) added on {ident['created_at']} by {ident['user']['login']}"
[docs]def format_observations(observations: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format observation results into a condensed summary: id, what, when, who, and where""" return _format_objects(observations, align, _format_observation)
def _format_observation(obs: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: taxon_str = _format_taxon(obs.get('taxon') or {}, align=align) location = obs.get('place_guess') or obs.get('location') obs_id = f"{obs['id']:>8}" if align else f"{obs['id']}" separator = '\n ' if align else ' ' return ( f"[{obs_id}] {taxon_str}{separator}" f"observed on {obs['observed_on']} by {obs['user']['login']} at {location}" )
[docs]def format_places(places: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format place results into a condensed list of IDs and names""" return _format_objects(places, align, _format_place)
def _format_place(place: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: if 'standard' in place and 'community' in place: standard_places = format_places(place['standard'], align) community_places = format_places(place['community'], align) return f'Standard:\n{standard_places}\n\nCommunity:\n{community_places}' place_id = pad(place['id'], 8, align) return f"[{place_id}] {place['name']}"
[docs]def format_projects(projects: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format project results into a condensed list of IDs and titles""" return _format_objects(projects, align, _format_project)
def _format_project(project: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: project_id = pad(project['id'], 8, align) return f"[{project_id}] {project['title']}"
[docs]def format_search_results(search_results: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format search results into a condensed list of values depending on result type""" return _format_objects(search_results, align, _format_search_result)
def _format_search_result(result: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format a search result depending on its type""" search_formatters = { 'Place': _format_place, 'Project': _format_project, 'Taxon': _format_taxon, 'User': _format_user, } formatter = search_formatters[result['type']] record_str = formatter(result['record'], align) type_str = pad(result['type'], 7, align) return f'[{type_str}] {record_str}'
[docs]def format_species_counts(species_counts: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format observation species counts into a condensed list of names and # of observations""" return _format_objects(species_counts, align, _format_species_count)
def _format_species_count(species_count: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: taxon = _format_taxon(species_count['taxon'], align=align) return f'{taxon}: {species_count["count"]}'
[docs]def format_taxa(taxa: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format taxon results into a single string containing taxon ID, rank, and name (including common name, if available). """ return _format_objects(taxa, align, _format_taxon)
def _format_taxon(taxon: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: if not taxon: return 'unknown taxon' if 'name' not in taxon: return _format_taxon_rank_id(taxon, align=align) taxon_id = pad(taxon["id"], 8, align) rank = taxon['rank'].title() common_name = taxon.get('preferred_common_name') name = f"{taxon['name']}" + (f' ({common_name})' if common_name else '') return f'[{taxon_id}] {rank}: {name}' def _format_taxon_rank_id(taxon: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format a taxon that only has a rank and ID""" rank_title = f"{taxon['rank'].title()}: {taxon['id']}" return pad(rank_title, 22, align)
[docs]def format_users(users: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False) -> str: """Format user results into a condensed list of IDs, usernames, and real names""" return _format_objects(users, align, _format_user)
def _format_user(user: ResponseObject, align: bool = False) -> str: # Response object may contain a nested 'user' object if 'user' in user: user = user['user'] user_id = pad(user['id'], 8, align) real_name = f" ({user['name']})" if user.get('name') else '' return f"[{user_id}] {user['login']}{real_name}"
[docs]def simplify_observations( observations: ResponseOrObject, align: bool = False ) -> List[ResponseObject]: """Flatten out some nested data structures within observation records: * annotations * comments * identifications * non-owner IDs """ return [_simplify_observation(o) for o in _ensure_list(observations)]
def _simplify_observation(obs): # Reduce annotations to IDs and values obs = deepcopy(obs) obs['annotations'] = [ (a['controlled_attribute_id'], a['controlled_value_id']) for a in obs['annotations'] ] # Reduce identifications to just a list of identification IDs and taxon IDs obs['identifications'] = [(i['id'], i['taxon_id']) for i in obs['identifications']] obs['non_owner_ids'] = [(i['id'], i['taxon_id']) for i in obs['non_owner_ids']] # Reduce comments to usernames and comment text obs['comments'] = [(c['user']['login'], c['body']) for c in obs['comments']] del obs['observation_photos'] return obs def _ensure_list(obj: ResponseOrObject) -> List: if isinstance(obj, dict) and 'results' in obj: obj = obj['results'] if isinstance(obj, Sequence): return list(obj) else: return [obj] def _format_objects(obj: ResponseOrObject, align: bool, format_func: Callable): """Generic function to format a response, object, or list of objects""" obj_strings = [format_func(t, align=align) for t in _ensure_list(obj)] return '\n'.join(obj_strings) def pad(value: Any, width: int, align: bool, right: bool = False): if not align: return value return str(value).rjust(width) if right else str(value).ljust(width)