Source code for pyinaturalist.node_api

Code to access the Node-based iNaturalist API

Most recent API version tested: 1.3.0


.. automodsumm:: pyinaturalist.node_api

from logging import getLogger
from typing import List
from warnings import warn

import requests

from pyinaturalist import api_docs as docs
from pyinaturalist.api_requests import get
from pyinaturalist.constants import API_V1_BASE_URL, HistogramResponse, JsonResponse, MultiInt
from pyinaturalist.exceptions import ObservationNotFound, TaxonNotFound
from pyinaturalist.forge_utils import document_request_params
from pyinaturalist.pagination import add_paginate_all, paginate_all
from pyinaturalist.request_params import (
from pyinaturalist.response_format import (

__all__ = [
logger = getLogger(__name__)

def node_api_get(endpoint: str, **kwargs) -> requests.Response:
    """Make an API call to iNaturalist.

        endpoint: The name of an endpoint resource, not including the base URL e.g. 'observations'
        kwargs: Arguments for :py:func:`.api_requests.request`
    return get(f'{API_V1_BASE_URL}/{endpoint}', **kwargs)

# Controlled Terms
# --------------------

[docs]def get_controlled_terms(taxon_id: int = None, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """List controlled terms and their possible values. A taxon ID can optionally be provided to show only terms that are valid for that taxon. Otherwise, all controlled terms will be returned. **API reference:** *!/Controlled_Terms/get_controlled_terms *!/Controlled_Terms/get_controlled_terms_for_taxon Example: >>> response = get_controlled_terms() >>> print(format_controlled_terms(response)) 1: Life Stage 2: Adult 3: Teneral 4: Pupa ... .. admonition:: Example Response (all terms) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_controlled_terms.json :language: JSON .. admonition:: Example Response (for a specific taxon) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_controlled_terms_for_taxon.json :language: JSON Args: taxon_id: ID of taxon to get controlled terms for user_agent: a user-agent string that will be passed to iNaturalist. Returns: A dict containing details on controlled terms and their values Raises: :py:exc:`.TaxonNotFound` If an invalid taxon_id is specified """ # This is actually two endpoints, but they are so similar it seems best to combine them endpoint = 'controlled_terms/for_taxon' if taxon_id else 'controlled_terms' response = node_api_get(endpoint, params={'taxon_id': taxon_id}, user_agent=user_agent) # controlled_terms/for_taxon returns a 422 if the specified taxon does not exist if response.status_code in (404, 422): raise TaxonNotFound response.raise_for_status() return response.json()
# Identifications # --------------------
[docs]def get_identifications_by_id(identification_id: MultiInt, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """Get one or more identification records by ID. **API reference:**!/Identifications/get_identifications_id Example: >>> get_identifications_by_id(155554373) .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: identification_id: Get taxa with this ID. Multiple values are allowed. Returns: Response dict containing identification records """ r = node_api_get('identifications', ids=identification_id, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() identifications = r.json() identifications['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(identifications['results']) return identifications
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._identification_params, docs._pagination, docs._only_id]) @add_paginate_all(method='page') def get_identifications(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Search identifications. **API reference:**!/Identifications/get_identifications Example: Get all of your own species-level identifications: >>> response = get_identifications(user_login='my_username', rank='species') >>> print([f"{i['user']['login']}: {i['taxon_id']} ({i['category']})" for i in response['results']]) [155043569] Species: 76465 (leading) added on 2021-02-15 10:46:27-06:00 by jkcook [153668189] Species: 76465 (supporting) added on 2021-02-06 17:43:37+00:00 by jkcook [147500725] Species: 1163860 (improving) added on 2020-12-24 23:52:30+00:00 by jkcook ... .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing identification records """ params = translate_rank_range(params) r = node_api_get('identifications', params=params) r.raise_for_status() identifications = r.json() identifications['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(identifications['results']) return identifications
# Observations # --------------------
[docs]def get_observation(observation_id: int, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """Get details about a single observation by ID **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations_id Example: >>> response = get_observation(16227955) >>> print(format_observations(response)) [16227955] [493595] Species: Lixus bardanae observed on 2018-09-05 14:06:00+01:00 by niconoe at 54 rue des Badauds .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: observation_id: Observation ID user_agent: a user-agent string that will be passed to iNaturalist. Returns: A dict with details on the observation Raises: :py:exc:`.ObservationNotFound` If an invalid observation is specified """ r = get_observations(id=observation_id, user_agent=user_agent) if r['results']: return convert_observation_timestamps(r['results'][0]) raise ObservationNotFound()
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._observation_histogram]) def get_observation_histogram(**params) -> HistogramResponse: """Search observations and return histogram data for the given time interval **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations_histogram **Notes:** * Search parameters are the same as :py:func:`.get_observations()`, with the addition of ``date_field`` and ``interval``. * ``date_field`` may be either 'observed' (default) or 'created'. * Observed date ranges can be filtered by parameters ``d1`` and ``d2`` * Created date ranges can be filtered by parameters ``created_d1`` and ``created_d2`` * ``interval`` may be one of: 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day', 'hour', 'month_of_year', or 'week_of_year'; spaces are also allowed instead of underscores, e.g. 'month of year'. * The year, month, week, day, and hour interval options will set default values for ``d1`` and ``created_d1``, to limit the number of groups returned. You can override those values if you want data from a longer or shorter time span. * The 'hour' interval only works with ``date_field='created'`` Example: Get observations per month during 2020 in Austria (place ID 8057) >>> response = get_observation_histogram( >>> interval='month', >>> d1='2020-01-01', >>> d2='2020-12-31', >>> place_id=8057, >>> ) .. admonition:: Example Response (observations per month of year) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ .. admonition:: Example Response (observations per month) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ .. admonition:: Example Response (observations per day) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Dict of ``{time_key: observation_count}``. Keys are ints for 'month of year' and\ 'week of year' intervals, and :py:class:`~datetime.datetime` objects for all other intervals. """ r = node_api_get('observations/histogram', params=params) r.raise_for_status() return format_histogram(r.json())
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._pagination, docs._only_id]) @add_paginate_all(method='id') def get_observations(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Search observations. **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations Example: Get observations of Monarch butterflies with photos + public location info, on a specific date in the provice of Saskatchewan, CA (place ID 7953): >>> response = get_observations( >>> taxon_name='Danaus plexippus', >>> created_on='2020-08-27', >>> photos=True, >>> geo=True, >>> geoprivacy='open', >>> place_id=7953, >>> ) Get basic info for observations in response: >>> from pyinaturalist.formatters import format_observations >>> print(format_observations(response)) '[57754375] Species: Danaus plexippus (Monarch) observed by samroom on 2020-08-27 at Railway Ave, Wilcox, SK' '[57707611] Species: Danaus plexippus (Monarch) observed by ingridt3 on 2020-08-26 at Michener Dr, Regina, SK' .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing observation records """ validate_multiple_choice_param(params, 'order_by', NODE_OBS_ORDER_BY_PROPERTIES) r = node_api_get('observations', params=params) r.raise_for_status() observations = r.json() observations['results'] = convert_all_coordinates(observations['results']) observations['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(observations['results']) return observations
def get_all_observations(**params) -> List[JsonResponse]: """Deprecated; use ``get_observations(page='all')`` instead""" msg = "get_all_observations() is deprecated; please use get_observations(page='all') instead" warn(DeprecationWarning(msg)) return paginate_all(get_observations, method='id', **params)['results']
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._pagination]) @add_paginate_all(method='page') def get_observation_species_counts(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Get all species (or other 'leaf taxa') associated with observations matching the search criteria, and the count of observations they are associated with. **Leaf taxa** are the leaves of the taxonomic tree, e.g., species, subspecies, variety, etc. **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations_species_counts Example: >>> response = get_observation_species_counts(user_login='my_username', quality_grade='research') >>> print(format_species_counts(response)) [62060] Species: Palomena prasina (Green Shield Bug): 10 [84804] Species: Graphosoma italicum (European Striped Shield Bug): 8 [55727] Species: Cymbalaria muralis (Ivy-leaved toadflax): 3 ... .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing taxon records with counts """ r = node_api_get( 'observations/species_counts', params=params, ) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._geojson_properties]) def get_geojson_observations(properties: List[str] = None, **params) -> JsonResponse: """Get all observation results combined into a GeoJSON ``FeatureCollection``. By default this includes some basic observation properties as GeoJSON ``Feature`` properties. The ``properties`` argument can be used to override these defaults. Example: >>> get_geojson_observations(observation_id=16227955, properties=['photo_url']) .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_observations.geojson :language: JSON Returns: A ``FeatureCollection`` containing observation results as ``Feature`` dicts. """ params['mappable'] = True params['page'] = 'all' response = get_observations(**params) return as_geojson_feature_collection( response['results'], properties=properties if properties is not None else DEFAULT_OBSERVATION_ATTRS, )
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._pagination]) def get_observation_observers(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Get observers of observations matching the search criteria and the count of observations and distinct taxa of rank species they have observed. Notes: * Options for ``order_by`` are 'observation_count' (default) or 'species_count' * This endpoint will only return up to 500 results * See this issue for more details: **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations_observers Example: >>> response = get_observation_observers(place_id=72645, order_by='species_count') >>> print(format_users(response, align=True)) [1566366 ] fossa1211 [674557 ] schurchin [5813 ] fluffberger (Fluff Berger) .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_observation_observers_ex_results.json :language: JSON Returns: Response dict of observers """ params.setdefault('per_page', 500) r = node_api_get( 'observations/observers', params=params, ) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
[docs]@document_request_params([*docs._get_observations, docs._pagination]) def get_observation_identifiers(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Get identifiers of observations matching the search criteria and the count of observations they have identified. By default, results are sorted by ID count in descending. **API reference:**!/Observations/get_observations_identifiers Note: This endpoint will only return up to 500 results. Example: >>> response = get_observation_identifiers(place_id=72645) >>> print(format_users(response, align=True)) [409010 ] jdoe42 (Jane Doe) [691216 ] jbrown252 (James Brown) [3959037 ] tnsparkleberry .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_observation_identifiers_ex_results.json :language: JSON Returns: Response dict of identifiers """ params.setdefault('per_page', 500) r = node_api_get( 'observations/identifiers', params=params, ) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
# Places # --------------------
[docs]def get_places_by_id(place_id: MultiInt, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """ Get one or more places by ID. **API reference:**!/Places/get_places_id Example: >>> response = get_places_by_id([67591, 89191]) >>> print(format_places(response)) [89191] Conservation Area Riversdale [67591] Riversdale Beach .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: place_id: Get a place with this ID. Multiple values are allowed. Returns: Response dict containing place records """ r = node_api_get('places', ids=place_id, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() # Convert coordinates to floats response = r.json() response['results'] = convert_all_coordinates(response['results']) return response
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._bounding_box, docs._name]) def get_places_nearby(**params) -> JsonResponse: """ Given an bounding box, and an optional name query, return places nearby **API reference:**!/Places/get_places_nearby Example: >>> bounding_box = (150.0, -50.0, -149.999, -49.999) >>> response = get_places_nearby(*bounding_box) Response is split into standard (curated) places and community (non-curated) places: >>> print(len(response['results']['standard'])) 10 >>> print(len(response['results']['community'])) 10 Show basic info for all places in response: >>> print(format_places(response, align=True)) Standard: [97394 ] North America [97395 ] Asia [97393 ] Oceania ... Community: [166719 ] Burgenland (accurate border) [11770 ] Mehedinti [119755 ] Mahurangi College ... .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing place records, divided into 'standard' and 'community' places. """ r = node_api_get('places/nearby', params=params) r.raise_for_status() return convert_all_place_coordinates(r.json())
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._search_query, docs._pagination]) @add_paginate_all(method='autocomplete') def get_places_autocomplete(q: str = None, **params) -> JsonResponse: """Given a query string, get places with names starting with the search term **API reference:**!/Places/get_places_autocomplete **Note:** This endpoint accepts a ``per_page`` param, up to a max of 20 (default 10). Pages beyond the first page cannot be retrieved. Use ``page=all`` to attempt to retrieve additional results. See :py:func:`.paginate_autocomplete` for more info. Example: >>> response = get_places_autocomplete('Irkutsk') >>> print(format_places(response)) [11803 ] Irkutsk [41854 ] Irkutskiy rayon [166186 ] Irkutsk Oblast - ADD [163077 ] Irkutsk agglomeration .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: q: Name must begin with this value Returns: Response dict containing place records """ r = node_api_get('places/autocomplete', params={'q': q, **params}) r.raise_for_status() # Convert coordinates to floats response = r.json() response['results'] = convert_all_coordinates(response['results']) return response
# Projects # --------------------
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._projects_params, docs._pagination]) @add_paginate_all(method='page') def get_projects(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Given zero to many of following parameters, get projects matching the search criteria. **API reference:**!/Projects/get_projects Example: Search for projects about invasive species within 400km of Vancouver, BC: >>> response = get_projects( >>> q='invasive', >>> lat=49.27, >>> lng=-123.08, >>> radius=400, >>> order_by='distance', >>> ) Show basic info for projects in response: >>> print(format_projects(response, align=True)) [8291 ] PNW Invasive Plant EDDR [19200 ] King County (WA) Noxious and Invasive Weeds [102925 ] Keechelus/Kachess Invasive Plants ... .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing project records """ validate_multiple_choice_param(params, 'order_by', PROJECT_ORDER_BY_PROPERTIES) r = node_api_get('projects', params=params) r.raise_for_status() response = r.json() response['results'] = convert_all_coordinates(response['results']) response['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(response['results']) return response
[docs]def get_projects_by_id( project_id: MultiInt, rule_details: bool = None, user_agent: str = None ) -> JsonResponse: """Get one or more projects by ID. **API reference:**!/Projects/get_projects_id Example: >>> response = get_projects_by_id([8348, 6432]) >>> print(format_projects(response)) [8348] Tucson High Native and Invasive Species Inventory [6432] CBWN Invasive Plants .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: project_id: Get projects with this ID. Multiple values are allowed. rule_details: Return more information about project rules, for example return a full taxon object instead of simply an ID Returns: Response dict containing project records """ r = node_api_get( 'projects', ids=project_id, params={'rule_details': rule_details}, user_agent=user_agent, ) r.raise_for_status() response = r.json() response['results'] = convert_all_coordinates(response['results']) response['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(response['results']) return response
# Taxa # --------------------
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._taxon_params, docs._taxon_id_params, docs._pagination]) @add_paginate_all(method='page') def get_taxa(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Given zero to many of following parameters, get taxa matching the search criteria. **API reference:**!/Taxa/get_taxa Example: >>> response = get_taxa(q='vespi', rank=['genus', 'family']) >>> print(format_taxa(response)) [52747] Family: Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Allies) [92786] Genus: Vespicula [646195] Genus: Vespiodes ... .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/get_taxa.json :language: JSON Returns: Response dict containing taxon records """ params = translate_rank_range(params) r = node_api_get('taxa', params=params) r.raise_for_status() taxa = r.json() taxa['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(taxa['results']) return taxa
[docs]def get_taxa_by_id(taxon_id: MultiInt, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """Get one or more taxa by ID. **API reference:**!/Taxa/get_taxa_id Example: >>> response = get_taxa_by_id(343248) >>> basic_fields = ['preferred_common_name', 'observations_count', 'wikipedia_url', 'wikipedia_summary'] >>> print({f: response['results'][0][f] for f in basic_fields}) { 'preferred_common_name': 'Paper Wasps', 'observations_count': 69728, 'wikipedia_url': '', 'wikipedia_summary': 'The Polistinae are eusocial wasps closely related to yellow jackets...', } .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Args: taxon_id: Get taxa with this ID. Multiple values are allowed. Returns: Response dict containing taxon records """ r = node_api_get('taxa', ids=taxon_id, user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() taxa = r.json() taxa['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(taxa['results']) return taxa
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._taxon_params]) def get_taxa_autocomplete(**params) -> JsonResponse: """Given a query string, return taxa with names starting with the search term **API reference:**!/Taxa/get_taxa_autocomplete **Note:** There appears to currently be a bug in the API that causes ``per_page`` to not have any effect. Example: Get just the name of the first matching taxon: >>> response = get_taxa_autocomplete(q='vespi') >>> print(response['results'][0]['name']) 'Vespidae' Get basic info for taxa in response: >>> print(format_taxa(response, align=True)) [52747 ] Family: Vespidae (Hornets, Paper Wasps, Potter Wasps, and Allies) [84738 ] Subfamily: Vespinae (Hornets and Yellowjackets) [131878 ] Species: Nicrophorus vespillo (Vespillo Burying Beetle) If you get unexpected matches, the search likely matched a synonym, either in the form of a common name or an alternative classification. Check the ``matched_term`` property for more info. For example: >>> first_result = get_taxa_autocomplete(q='zygoca')['results'][0] >>> first_result["name"] "Schlumbergera truncata" # This doesn't look like our search term! >>> first_result["matched_term"] "Zygocactus truncatus" # ...Because it matched an older synonym for Schlumbergera .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ .. admonition:: Example Response (formatted) :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing taxon records """ params = translate_rank_range(params) r = node_api_get('taxa/autocomplete', params=params) r.raise_for_status() return r.json()
# Users # --------------------
[docs]def get_user_by_id(user_id: int, user_agent: str = None) -> JsonResponse: """Get a user by ID. **API reference:**!/Users/get_users_id Args: user_id: Get the user with this ID. Only a single ID is allowed per request. Example: >>> response = get_user_by_id(123456) >>> print(format_users(response)) [1234] my_username .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing user record """ r = node_api_get('users', ids=[user_id], user_agent=user_agent) r.raise_for_status() results = r.json()['results'] if not results: return {} return convert_generic_timestamps(results[0])
[docs]@document_request_params([docs._search_query, docs._project_id, docs._pagination]) def get_users_autocomplete(q: str, **params) -> JsonResponse: """Given a query string, return users with names or logins starting with the search term **API reference:**!/Users/get_users_autocomplete Note: Pagination is supported; default page size is 6, and max is 100. Example: >>> response = get_taxa_autocomplete(q='my_userna') >>> print(format_users(response)) [1234] my_username [12345] my_username_2 .. admonition:: Example Response :class: toggle .. literalinclude:: ../sample_data/ Returns: Response dict containing user records """ r = node_api_get('users/autocomplete', params={'q': q, **params}) r.raise_for_status() users = r.json() users['results'] = convert_all_timestamps(users['results']) return users
# Main Search # --------------------