Source code for pyinaturalist.response_format

""" Helper functions for formatting API responses """
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date
from dateutil.parser._parser import UnknownTimezoneWarning
from import tzoffset
from logging import getLogger
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
from warnings import catch_warnings, simplefilter

from pyinaturalist.constants import HistogramResponse, JsonResponse, ResponseObject

GENERIC_TIME_FIELDS = ('created_at', 'last_post_at', 'updated_at')
logger = getLogger(__name__)

# GeoJSON conversion
# --------------------

[docs]def as_geojson_feature_collection( results: Iterable[ResponseObject], properties: List[str] = None ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Convert results from an API response into a `geojson FeatureCollection <>`_ object. This is currently only used for observations, but could be used for any other responses with geospatial info. Args: results: List of results from API response properties: Whitelist of specific properties to include """ results = [flatten_nested_params(obs) for obs in results] return { 'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [as_geojson_feature(record, properties) for record in results], }
[docs]def as_geojson_feature(result: ResponseObject, properties: List[str] = None) -> ResponseObject: """ Convert an individual response item to a geojson Feature object, optionally with specific response properties included. Args: result: A single response item properties: Whitelist of specific properties to include """ result['geojson']['coordinates'] = [float(i) for i in result['geojson']['coordinates']] return { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': result['geojson'], 'properties': {k: result.get(k) for k in properties or []}, }
# Wrapper functions to apply conversions to all response objects # --------------------
[docs]def convert_all_coordinates(results: List[ResponseObject]) -> List[ResponseObject]: """Convert coordinate pairs in response items from strings to floats, if valid Args: results: Results from API response; expects coordinates in either 'location' key or 'latitude' and 'longitude' keys """ results = [convert_lat_long(result) for result in results] results = [convert_location(result) for result in results] return results
[docs]def convert_all_place_coordinates(response: JsonResponse) -> JsonResponse: """Convert locations for both standard and community-contributed places to floats""" response['results'] = { 'standard': convert_all_coordinates(response['results'].get('standard')), 'community': convert_all_coordinates(response['results'].get('community')), } return response
[docs]def convert_all_timestamps(results: List[ResponseObject]) -> List[ResponseObject]: """Replace all date/time info with datetime objects, where possible""" results = [convert_generic_timestamps(result) for result in results] results = [convert_observation_timestamps(result) for result in results] return results
# Conversion functions # --------------------
[docs]def convert_lat_long(result: ResponseObject) -> ResponseObject: """Convert a coordinate pair in a response item from strings to floats, if valid""" if 'latitude' in result and 'longitude' in result: result['latitude'] = try_float(result['latitude']) result['longitude'] = try_float(result['longitude']) return result
[docs]def convert_location(result: ResponseObject): """Convert a coordinate pairs in a response item from strings to floats, if valid""" # Format inner record if present, e.g. for search results if 'record' in result: result['record'] = convert_location(result['record']) return result if ',' in (result.get('location') or ''): result['location'] = [try_float(coord) for coord in result['location'].split(',')] return result
[docs]def convert_generic_timestamps(result: ResponseObject) -> ResponseObject: """Replace generic created/updated info that's returned by multiple endpoints. **Note:** Compared to observation timestamps, these are generally more reliable. These seem to be consistently in ISO 8601 format. """ # Format inner record if present, e.g. for search results if 'record' in result: result['record'] = convert_generic_timestamps(result['record']) return result for field in GENERIC_TIME_FIELDS: datetime_obj = try_datetime(result.get(field, '')) if datetime_obj: result[field] = datetime_obj return result
[docs]def convert_observation_timestamps(result: ResponseObject) -> ResponseObject: """Replace observation date/time info with datetime objects""" if 'created_at_details' not in result and 'observed_on_string' not in result: return result observation = result.copy() tz_offset = observation.get('time_zone_offset', '') tz_name = observation.get('observed_time_zone') created_datetime = observation.get('created_at') if not isinstance(created_datetime, datetime): created_datetime = try_datetime(observation.get('created_at_details', {}).get('date')) created_datetime = convert_offset(created_datetime, tz_offset, tz_name) # Ignore any timezone info in observed_on timestamp; offset field is more reliable observed_datetime = try_datetime(observation.get('observed_on_string', ''), ignoretz=True) observed_datetime = convert_offset(observed_datetime, tz_offset, tz_name) # If valid, add the datetime objects and remove all other redundant date/time fields if created_datetime and observed_datetime: for field in OBSERVATION_TIME_FIELDS: observation.pop(field, None) observation['created_at'] = created_datetime observation['observed_on'] = observed_datetime return observation
[docs]def convert_offset( datetime_obj: Optional[datetime], tz_offset: str = None, tz_name: str = None ) -> Optional[datetime]: """Use timezone offset info to replace a datetime's tzinfo""" if not datetime_obj or not tz_offset: return datetime_obj try: offset = parse_offset(tz_offset, tz_name) return datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=offset) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: logger.debug(f'Could not parse offset: {tz_offset}: {str(e)}') return None
[docs]def parse_offset(tz_offset: str, tz_name: str = None) -> tzoffset: """Convert a timezone offset string to a tzoffset object, accounting for some common variations in format Examples: >>> parse_offset('GMT-08:00', 'PST') tzoffset('PST', -28800) >>> parse_offset('-06:00') tzoffset(None, -21600) >>> parse_offset('+05:30') tzoffset(None, 19800) >>> parse_offset('0530') tzoffset(None, 19800) """ def remove_prefixes(text, prefixes): for prefix in prefixes: if text.startswith(prefix): text = text[len(prefix) :] # noqa # black and flake8 fight over this one return text # Parse hours, minutes, and sign from offset string; account for either `hh:mm` or `hhmm` format tz_offset = remove_prefixes(tz_offset, ['GMT', 'UTC']).strip() multiplier = -1 if tz_offset.startswith('-') else 1 tz_offset = tz_offset.lstrip('+-') if ':' in tz_offset: hours, minutes = tz_offset.split(':') else: hours, minutes = tz_offset[:2], tz_offset[2:] # Convert to a timezone offset in +/- seconds delta = timedelta(hours=int(hours), minutes=int(minutes)) return tzoffset(tz_name, delta.total_seconds() * multiplier)
[docs]def try_datetime(timestamp: str, **kwargs) -> Optional[datetime]: """Parse a timestamp string into a datetime, if valid; return ``None`` otherwise""" if isinstance(timestamp, datetime): return timestamp try: # Suppress UnknownTimezoneWarning with catch_warnings(): simplefilter('ignore', category=UnknownTimezoneWarning) return parse_date(timestamp, **kwargs) except (AttributeError, TypeError, ValueError) as e: logger.debug(f'Could not parse timestamp: {timestamp}: {str(e)}') return None
[docs]def try_float(value: Any) -> Optional[float]: """Convert a value to a float, if valid; return ``None`` otherwise""" try: return float(value) except (TypeError, ValueError): return None
# Formatting Functions # --------------------
[docs]def flatten_nested_params(observation: ResponseObject) -> ResponseObject: """Extract some nested observation properties to include at the top level; this makes it easier to specify these as properties for :py:func:`.as_as_geojson_feature_collection`. Args: observation: A single observation result """ taxon = observation.get('taxon', {}) photos = observation.get('photos', [{}]) observation['taxon_id'] = taxon.get('id') observation['taxon_name'] = taxon.get('name') observation['taxon_rank'] = taxon.get('rank') observation['taxon_common_name'] = taxon.get('preferred_common_name') observation['photo_url'] = photos[0].get('url') return observation
[docs]def format_histogram(response: JsonResponse) -> HistogramResponse: """Format a response containing time series data into a single ``{date: value}`` dict""" # The inner result object's key will be the name of the interval requested interval = next(iter(response['results'].keys())) histogram = response['results'][interval] # Convert keys to appropriate type depending on interval if interval in ['month_of_year', 'week_of_year']: return {int(k): v for k, v in histogram.items()} else: return {parse_date(k): v for k, v in histogram.items()}